【教授】 王富美
- 分機 56322
- 電子郵件: fmwang@mail.ncku.edu.tw
- 英國伯明罕大學經濟學博士
- 國際金融理論與政策、開放總體經濟學
英國University of Birmingham經濟學博士1996
2009-2010傅爾布萊特訪問學者, Department of Economics, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University in the United States
2003-2023 國立成功大學社會科學院經濟系教授
2009-2010 Fulbright Scholar Program Advanced Research Awards(Public Health) in the United States.
課 程 名 稱 |
公共財政學 |
專題討論 |
專題討論(一) |
專題討論(二) |
貨幣銀行學 |
經濟學概論 |
總體經濟分析 |
總體經濟分析(一) |
總體經濟學(一) |
總體經濟學(二) |
國際金融 |
學生姓名 |
論 文 題 目 |
系所 |
畢業年月 |
劉倩如 |
貿易開放與經濟成長 |
政經所碩士班 |
93年6月 |
王翰毅 |
政府支出和所得提升之關聯 |
政經所碩士班 |
95年6月 |
羅子誼 |
消費稅資本稅與經濟成長 |
政經所碩士班 |
95年6月 |
陳韻旻 |
Heterogeneous Quasi-Geometric Preference with Taxation |
經濟系碩士班 |
97年6月 |
黃惠君 |
管制資本流入對經濟成長的影響:動態GMM 追蹤資料模型之研究(蔡群立教師共同指導) |
經濟系碩士班 |
97年6月 |
李昌祐 |
預期平均壽命、老年依賴率與經濟成長(與蔡群立教師共同指導) |
經濟系碩士班 |
97年6月 |
王立安 |
兩國國防支出對經濟成長的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
98年6月 |
黃佳偉 |
消費稅與所得稅對經常帳的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
100年6月 |
朱立仁 |
中央與地方政府收支劃分對經濟成長的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
100年6月 |
蔡鑫垚 |
外債對經濟成長的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
101年6月 |
張學禮 |
政府支出組成與經濟成長的關係 |
經濟系碩士班 |
101年6月 |
洪肇嘉 |
專利權與經營績效、企業價值關係之研究 |
會計系碩士班 |
101年6月 |
吳明禧 |
雲端運算應用對經濟成長的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
102年6月 |
張學清 |
環境支出對經濟成長的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
102年6月 |
黃鈺琇 |
預防性與診療性支出對經濟成長與社會福利的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
103年6月 |
黃詩敏 |
都會與偏鄉健康支出不均對經濟成長與社會福利的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
103年6月 |
莊星漢 |
預防性醫療支出對疾病發生率的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
104年6月 |
莊予宣 |
預防性醫療支出對經濟成長之影響 -以OECD國家為例 |
經濟系碩士班 |
105年6月 |
翁晧倫 |
台灣健康不均等的分析 |
經濟系碩士班 |
105年6月 |
陳仕典 |
公共健康支出與經濟表現¾縱橫平滑轉換模型之應用 |
經濟系碩士班 |
106年6月 |
王上豪 |
舉債的門檻效果 |
經濟系碩士班 |
107年6月 |
陳柏霖 |
洗腎病人的生產力損失評估 |
經濟系碩士班 |
107年6月 |
魏廷翰 |
中風病人生產力損失估算 |
經濟系碩士班 |
108年6月 |
謝乙慈 |
行動支付的總體經濟分析 |
經濟系碩士班 |
108年6月 |
楊澤岳 |
預防投入的生產力評估 |
經濟系碩士班 |
109年6月 |
呂晉瑋 |
估算加拿大疫情下人力資本損失 |
經濟系碩士班 |
111年6月 |
梁會鑫 |
預防投入對非傳染性疾病及生命品質的影響 |
經濟系碩士班 |
111年6月 |
- 九十九年度第四十八屆國家科學委員會補助學者與技術人員國外短期研究:遠距醫療對健康增進的影響(NSC 99-2918-I-006-014)。
- 中華財政學會理事(2009-)
- Board member: Taiwan Economic Association, 2006, 2007.
- Member: Taiwan Economic Association
- Chinese Public Finance Association
- Taiwan Finance Association
- Referee (partial list): Academia Economic Paper; Economic Modeling; Asian Pacific Management Review; Soochow Journal of Political Science; Proceeding of Chinese Economics Association.
- National Annual Conference of Econometrics, Taiwan, 2006.
- Coordinator, National Annual Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Taiwan, 2002.
- The Effects of Economic Policies on Organization Performances of 2008 Presidential Election in Taiwan” at the 12th International Colloquium Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies, Challenges in Organizing and Managing in Rapidly Emerging Economies: Learning to Organize in the Global World, on December 9-12, India, 2007.
- Imperfect Competition, Controls on Capital Inflows, and the Phillips Curve: Experiences from Taiwan, Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) conference in Seattle on July 29-30, 2006.
- Trade Openness and Economic Growth”, 2004 International Conference on Trade Dynamics and Economic Growth, Economics of Academic Sinica, 23th –24th July, Taipei 2004.
- Innovation, Labor Productivity, Economic Growth, and FDI”, Population Change, Labor Market Transition and Economic Development in Asia, Economics of Academic Sinica, 6th –8th Dec, Taipei.
- Welfare Evaluation of VERs with Fiscal Policy”, The 5th Conference on Global Economic Analysis: Sustainable Development and the General Equilibrium Approach, University of Purdue, 5th-7th June, Vol. 4, pp. 9D-1~9D-14, Tapei, 2002.
- 2007- to date: member, Committee for Faculty Appealing, National Cheng Kung University.
- 2006- to date: member, for Students Innovation Competition, National Cheng Kung University.
- 2006- to date: member, for University Development committee, National Cheng Kung University.
- 2007: consultant for Departmental Establishment, National Taichung Institute of Technology.
1.Wang, Fuhmei*, J Lui, JD Wang* (2023, Feb.).Losses of Life Expectancy and Productivity Associated with COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Policy Implication for Future Communicable Disease Control International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (3), 2419. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20032419. (SSCI, IF: 4.614, 45/182, Q1: 24.73% Public, Environmental & Occupational Health).
2.Wang, Fuhmei*; JD Wang* (2022, Jan). Estimating US Earnings Loss Associated with COVID-19 Based on Human Capital Calculation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (2), 1015. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19021015. (SSCI, IF: 4.614, 45/182, Q1: 24.73% Public, Environmental & Occupational Health). NSTC 110-2410-H-006-085.
3.WC Lien; WM Wang; Fuhmei Wang; JD Wang (2021, Nov). Savings of loss-of-life expectancy and lifetime medical costs from prevention of spinal cord injuries: Analysis of nation-wide data followed for 17 years. Injury Prevention, 27: 567-573. Doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2020-043943. (SCI, IF: 3.77, 63 /182, Q2: 34.62% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health.).
4.Wang, Fuhmei* and JD Wang* (2021, Aug). The Determinants of Telehealth Provision: Empirical Evidence from OECD Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16):8288. (SSCI, IF: 4.614, 45/182, Q1:24.73% Public, Environmental & Occupational Health).
5.YT Chang; Fuhmei Wang; WY Huang; H Hsiao; JDWang; CC Lin (2021, May). Estimated Loss of Lifetime Employment Duration for Patients Undergoing Maintenance Dialysis in Taiwan. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 16(5), 746-756. (SCI, IF: 10.614, 7/90, Q1: 7.78% in Urology & Nephrology).
6.WC Lien; WM Wang; JD Wang; Fuhmei Wang* (2021, Mar). The association between economic indicators and the incidence of tetraplegia from traumatic spinal cord injury in Taiwan. BMC Neurology, 21 (1):117. (SCI, IF: 2.903, 137/212, Q3: 64.62% in Clinical Neurology).
7.Wang, Fuhmei* (2021, Feb). The Influences of Prevention on the Quality of Life. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16(1), 129-139. (SSCI, IF: 3.447, 23/111, Q1: 20.72%, Social Science, Interdiscipline).
8.Wang, Fuhmei*; H Weng (2020, Oct). Mapping Regional Well-being in the Universal Health Coverage System in Taiwan. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 13, 2027-2035. (SSCI, IF: 2.853, 43/88, Q2: 48.86%, Health Policy &Services).
9.Wang, Fuhmei* (2018, Nov). The roles of preventive and curative health care in economic development. PLOS One, 13 (11), Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206808. (SCI, IF: 3.24, 29/73, Q2: 39.73% in Multidisciplinary Sciences).
10.Wang, Fuhmei* (2018, Oct). Influences of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence from OECD Countries. Prague Economic Papers, 27 (5), 606-618. (SSCI, IF: 0.481, 338/379, Economics).
11.Wang, Fuhmei, JD Wang, YW Hung (2018, Oct). Universal Health Insurance, Health Inequality and Oral Cancer in Taiwan. PLOS One, 13(10), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205731. (SCI, IF: 3.24, 29/73, Q2: 39.73% in Multidisciplinary Sciences).
12.Wang, Fuhmei* and JD Wang (2017, Sep). Telehealth and Sustainable Improvements to Quality of Life. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 12: 173-184. (SSCI, IF: 3.447, 23/111, Q1: 20.72% in Social Science Interdiscipline).
13.Wang, Fuhmei, JD Wang, YX Huang (2016, Sep). Health expenditures spent for prevention, economic performance, and social welfare. Health Economics Review, 2016, 6:45. (SSCI, IF: 2.118, 188/379, Q2: 49.6% in Economics).
14.Wang, Fuhmei* (2016, Jan). Continuing Medical Education via Telemedicine and Sustainable Improvements to Health. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, 2016, 1-6. (SCIE, Health Care Science and Services)
15.Wang, Fuhmei* (2015, Dec). More Health Expenditure, Better Economic Performance?Empirical Evidence From OECD Countries. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 52,1-5. (SSCI, IF: 2.099, 65/88, Health Policy and Services).
16.Wang, Fuhmei* (2014, May). A Higher Financial Premium Leads to the Depletion of Foreign Reserves?. The Journal of Developing Areas, 48(3), 77-93. (JEL, 16/39, 2001 SSCI Area studies).
17.Wang, Fuhmei* (2014, Apr). Measuring Adjusted Quality of Life in Telemedicine. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 24(4), 338-341. (SCI, IF: 5.033,19/109, Q1:17.43%in Health Care Science and Services).
18.Wang, Fuhmei* (2012, Dec). Telehealth, Sustainable Economic Development, and Social Welfare. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 18(4), 711-721. (SSCI, IF: 5.656, 43/379, Q1:11.35% in Economics).
19.Wang, Fuhmei Tsai, CH., Huang, HC. (2011, Dec). The Influence of Capital Inflow Controls on Economic Growth--Dynamic Panel GMM Analysis. Taiwan Banking and Finance Quarterly, 12(4),71-114.
20.Wang, Fuhmei* (2011, Sep). Who bears the burden of voluntary export restraints?. Prague Economic Papers, 19(3), 216-231. (SSCI, IF: 0.481, 338/379, in economics).
21.Wang, Fuhmei* (2011, Jul). Economic Evaluations of the Effects of Longevity on Telemedicine and Conventional Healthcare Provision. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 17(6), 431-434. (SCI, IF: 5.033,19/109, Q1:17.43%in Health Care Science and Services). NSTC 99-2918-I-006-014.
22.Wang, Fuhmei* (2009, Dec). The effects of foreign borrowing policies on economic growth: success or failure?. Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 12(4), 273–284. (SSCI, IF: 2.059, 191/379, 50.39% in Economics).
23.Wang, Fuhmei* (2009, Dec). The role of cost in Telemedicine Evaluation. Telemedicine Journal and e-health, 15(10), 1-7. (SCI, IF: 5.033,19/109, Q1:17.43%in Health Care Science and Services).
24.Wang, Fuhmei* (2009, Aug). The Inflation Rate and Financial Premium. Applied Economics Letters, 16(7), 689-692. (SSCI, IF: 1.287, 286/379, 75.46% in Economics).
25.Wang, Fuhmei* (2009, May). Financial Distortions and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 45(3), 57-67. (SSCI, IF: 4.859, 56/379, Q1:14.78% in Economics; 7/96, Q1:7.29% in International Relation).
26.Wang, Fuhmei*(2009, Mar). The Influence of Economic Performance on telemedicine Provision. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 15, p.190-194.. (SCI, IF: 5.033,19/109, Q1:17.43%in Health Care Science and Services).
27.Wang, Fuhmei*(2008, Nov). Valuation of Online Continuing Medical Education and Telemedicine in Taiwan. Educational Technology and Society, 11(4), 190-198. (SCI, IF: 2.633,116/267, Q2: 43.45% in Education and Educational Research)
28.Wang, Fuhmei* (2007, Feb). Exchange Rate Systems, Collection Costs, and Welfare Consideration. Indian Development Review, 5 (1), 221-227. (JEL).
29.Wang, Fuhmei* (2007, Jan). Welfare Evaluation of FDI. Journal of International Economic Review, 1 (2), 153-163. (JEL).
30.Wang, Fuhmei*& Chien-Ju Liu (2006, Jan). Trade Openness and Economic Growth. International Economic and Finance Journal. (JEL).
31.Wang, Fuhmei (2004, Sep). Leakages in Dual Exchange Markets. Prague Economic Papers, 12 (3), 249-264. (SSCI, IF, 0.481, 338/379 in economics).
32.Wang, Fuhmei* (2004, Sep). Insulation Properties of Separating Exchange Markets. International Economic Journal, 18 (3), 3-13. (JEL).
33.Wang, Fuhmei* (2003, Feb). Financial Premium and Real Exchange Rate Misalignment. Journal of Economics, Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. 139-161. (SSCI, IF: 1.889, 207/379, 54.62% Economics).
34.Wang, Fuhmei* (2002, Dec). Wage Rigidity with Separating Exchange Markets. International Review of Economics and Business, 49 (4), 511-530. (JEL).
35.Wang, Fuhmei* (2002, Sep). Imperfect competition with separating exchange markets. Journal of Economic Integration, 17 (3), 474-501. (ESCI, IF: 0.41, 351/570 Economics).
36.Wang, Fuhmei* (2002, Jan). Property in the EMS. The Indian Economic Journal, 50 (1), 38-47. (JEL).
Fuhmei* (2001, Apr). Time Consistency of
Monetary Policy in Separating Exchange Markets. Journal of Economic
Development, 26(2), 17-32. (JEL).