【Associate Professor】 Yen-Lien Kuo
- Phone: :56327
- Email: yenlien@mail.ncku.edu.tw
- Ph.D. in Environmental Economics and Environmental Management,University of York(York, UK)
- Environmental Economics and Econometrics
- B.A. in Environmental Science , Tunghai University (Taiwan, R. O. C.)
- M.A. in Natural Resource Management, National Taipei University (Taiwan, R. O. C.)
- Ph.D. in Environmental Economics and Environmental Management, University Of York (York, UK)
August 2009- July 2011 | Adjunct Associate Professor in, Department of Economics, Tunghai University |
April 2007-July 2011 | Senior Assistant Research Fellow, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction |
July 2001-July 2003 | Research Assistant, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica |
(A) Journal Articles
郭彥廉、俞嘉琦 (2016),「社經環境預測對交通建設效益評估的影響-以台灣高鐵為例」,綠色經濟,2,A21-A28頁。
Kuo, Y.L. (2016). "Is There a Trade-off Between Households' Precautions, Mitigations and Public Protection for Flood Risk?" Environmental Hazards, 15(4), pp.311-326. (SSCI) (NSC 100-2410-H-006-099 -)
Kuo, Y.L., C.C. Chang and H.C. Li. 2016. “Lulling Effect of Public Flood Protection: Case of Benhe Community in Kaohsiung during Typhoon Fanapi,” Natural Hazards Review, 17(1), 05015003.(SSCI).
- 郭彥廉、李洋寧(2014)。「運用腦力激盪與德爾菲法評估台灣氣候變遷災害的關鍵脆弱性」,政策研究學報,13 ,32-47頁。
- Hsin, P. L., T. Haepp, Y. L. Kuo. 2013. “Export Destinations, and company investments in R&D and Captial.” Economics Bulletin, 33(4), pp.2851-2859. (Econlit)
- 郭彥廉、張瓊婷、朱吟晨(2012)。「荷、日、澳的氣候變遷災害調適策略比較」,碳經濟,26,2-16頁
- Lin, H. C., Y. L. Kuo*, D. Shaw, M. C. Chang and T. M. Kao. 2012. “Regional Economic Impact Analysis of Earthquakes in Northern Taiwan and its Implications for Disaster Reduction Policies.” Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-011-0049-5. (SCI) (NSC 98-2625-M-170 -001 -)
- Kuo, Y.L. and C. Perrings. 2010. “Wasting time? Recycling Incentives in Urban Taiwan and Japan.” Environmental and Resources Economics, 47, pp.423-437. (SSCI)
- 郭彥廉、廖楷民(2010)。「利用網路進行風險溝通與其成效評估-以災害防救電子報為例」,資訊科學應用期刊 ,6(1),29-38頁。
- 李欣輯、黃俊宏、郭彥廉、陳亮全(2010),「The Application of Household Flood Loss Model in Flood-prone Area」,土木水利雙月刊,37(2),60-62頁。
- 蕭代基、陳淑惠、郭彥廉、李欣輯、楊惠萱(2010),「莫拉克颱風的社經影響與未來防災策略建議」,土木水利雙月刊,37(1),65-76頁。
- 李欣輯、廖楷民、楊惠萱、郭彥廉(2009),「恆春地震對居民心理、社會、經濟之影響與災害減輕政策」,科技發展政策報導,2,41-56頁。
- 郭彥廉、蕭代基(2009),「天然災害脆弱性與社經脆弱性因子介紹」,國研科技,22,99-101頁。
- 李欣輯、郭彥廉、蕭代基、黃德秀,2008,「The Household Benefits Assessment of the Flood Reduction Plan in a Flood-prone Area: A Case Study of Sinwen, Chiayi, Taiwan」,農業與資源經濟,5(2),41-58頁。
- 廖楷民、李欣輯、郭彥廉、楊惠萱,2008,「風險知覺與地震保險意願之關係」,風險評論,1(1),17-28頁。
- 郭彥廉,2008,「聯合國發展規劃署氣候變遷調適策略綱領與其應用」,經社法制論叢,42,41-65頁。
- 亮全、陳永明、郭彥廉(2007),「從天然災害觀點論全球氣候變遷對於亞太經濟社會的影響」,亞 太經濟合作評論,15,63-78 頁。
- 何興亞、張駿暉、于宜強、江申、郭彥廉(2007),「全球氣候變遷對台灣之災害衝擊與調適策略探討」, 水資源管理會刊,9(2),38-44 頁。
- Shaw, D., C.H. Yeh, W.Y. Jean, C.H. Loh and Y.L. Kuo. 2007. “Seismic Risk Analysis of Building Losses in Taipei: An Application of HAZ-Taiwan with its Pre-processor and Post-processor.” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 30 (2), pp.289-297. (SCI, Ei)
- 蕭代基、張瓊婷、郭彥廉,2003,「自然資源的參與式管理與地方自治制度」,台灣經濟預測與政策,34(1),頁1-38。(TSSCI)
(B) Conference Papers
氣候變遷對台灣產業產出之影響研究」。2014年台灣環境與資源 經濟學會年會暨學術研討會。10月18日。新北市。 -
年度強化災害防救科技研發與落實運作方案總成果研討會。5 月 16 日。台北。 -
Chang, C.C., Y.L. Kuo, and H.C. Li. 2011. “How Flood Control Measures Influence Resident's Risk
Perception and Community's Preparedness: The Case of Benhe Community in Kaohsiung City during
Typhoon Fanapi,” The Second International Conference on Cities at Risk (CAR II). Integrated
Research on Disaster Risk: Taipei, Taiwan, April 11-13. - 李欣輯、謝龍生、 吳啟瑞、 柯明淳、李宗融、郭彥廉(2010),「莫拉克颱風太麻里溪流域之災害 衝擊分析」,2010 水利工程研討會,國立雲林科技大學,雲林,11 月 10 日。
- 蕭代基、楊重信、郭彥廉、林彥伶、黃昭琳(2010),「台北都會區公寓住宅居民對耐震補強方案之屬性偏好分析」,2010 臺灣災害管理研討會,臺灣災害管理學會,台北,11月6日。
- 郭彥廉、朱吟晨、張瓊婷(2010),「英、荷、日、澳的氣候變遷災害調適策略比較」,氣候變遷與歐美政策回應學術研討會,中央研究院歐美研究所,台北,10月21日。
- Lin, H.C., Y.L. Kuo, D. Shaw, M.C. Chang and T.M. Kao. 2010. “Using Regional Economic Impact Analysis to Decide Public Promotion of Seismic Retrofit in the Northern Taiwan,” 1st Congress of East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 17-19.
- 郭彥廉、林彥伶、蕭代基(2010)。「台灣民眾地震減災整備行為研究」,98年度強化災害防救科技研發與落實運作方案成果研討會。國家災害防救科技中心,台北,5月5日。
- 李洋寧、郭彥廉(2009)。「台灣未來天災關鍵脆弱性與衝擊評估-專家創意思考與德爾菲法之應用」,2009年臺灣災害管理研討會。台灣災害管理學會,台北,12月19日。
- 郭彥廉、蕭代基、林彥伶(2009)。「台灣震災社經脆弱度指標研究」,2009年中華民國都市計畫學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會聯合年會暨學術論文研討會。台北,12月5日。
- Kuo, Y.L., C.H. Chang, Y.M. Chen, and Y.C. Lin. 2009. "The Risk Map of Flood in Taiwan for Climate Change Adaptation." Paper presented at 15th annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. The International Sustainable Development Research Society, Utrecht, the Netherlands, July 5-8.
- Kuo, Y.L. 2009. "Using the Scheme of Tradable Development Right to Reduce the Flood Loss Associated with Climate Change." Paper presented at the 4th East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2-4.
- Kuo, Y.L. 2008. “An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Waste Management Policies and Enforcements on Waste Generation and Recycling.” Presented at the 3rd East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Tokyo, Japan, February 19-21.
- Kuo, Y.L. 2005. “A Dynamic Model for Four Options Household Waste Disposal Management.” Presented at the Twentieth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 3-6.
- Shaw, D., S.M. Shih, E.Y. Lin, and Y.L. Kuo. “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sea-level Rise Protection in Taiwan.” In proceedings of the International Conference on Global Economic Transformation after the Asian Economic Crisis, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Peking University, Hong Kong, May 26-28, 2000. (cited by IPCC AR4, 2007)
(C) Other Publcations
- Kuo, Y.L. 2009. The Evaluation of Residential Solid Waste Management Policies - Waste Collection, Pricing, Recycling Policies and Their Enforcements in the Cities of Taiwan and Japan. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.