【Professor】 Chun-Li Tsai
- Phone: 56324
- Email: tchunLi@mail.ncku.edu.tw
- Ph.D. in Economics, Texas A&M University (Texas, U.S.A.)
- Financial Economics, Monetary/Macro Economics
- B.A. (1997) in International Trade, National Cheng-Chi University (Taipei, Taiwan)
- M.A. (1999) in MBA, National ChangHau University of Education (ChangHau, Taiwan)
- Ph.D. (2005) in Economics, Texas A&M University (Texas, U.S.A.)
Aug. 2015 - Jul. 2018 | Professor and Chairman, Department of Economics, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan |
Feb. 2010 - July. 2015 | Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan |
Aug. 2005 - Jan. 2010 |
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan |
(A) Journal Articles
- Chun-Li Tsai (2017). The Heterogeneous Impact of Children on the Participation of Married Women in the Labor Market in Taiwan. The Singapore Economic Review. 62(2),297-323 (SSCI).
- H.Y, Yu, C. Huang, Y. Lin, Chun-Li Tsai (2017). The Impact of Information Transparency on Information Transfer. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.53, 776-785. (SSCI).
- Chun-Li Tsai (2015, Jul). How do U.S. Stock Returns Respond Differently to Oil Price Shocks Pre-Crisis, Within the Financial Crisis, and Post-Crisis?. Energy Economics(科技部經濟學門B級期刊), 50,47-62. (MOST 103-2410-H-006-004).
- Chun-Li Tsai (2015, Mar). How does the Occurrence of Stock Price Reversals Following End-of-the day Price Moves Differ in Bull and Bear Markets?. Journal of Stock & Forex Trading, 4(1). dx.doi.org/10.4172/2168-9458.1000144
- 蔡群立、陳淑儀、何志欽,(2014) “921地震對台灣股價是否有非對稱性及結構性改變之探討”,中山管理評論, (TSSCI), 22(4), 711-758.
- Chun-Li Tsai, (2014) “The Effects of Monetary Policy on Stock Returns: Financing Constraints and "Informative" and "Uninformative" FOMC Statements”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 29,273-290. (SSCI), (國科會經濟學門B+級期刊) (NSC-100-2415-H-006-037).
- Chun-Li Tsai (2013), “The High-frequency Asymmetric Response of Stock Returns to Monetary Policy for High Oil Price Events”, Energy Economics, (SSCI),36,166-176, (國科會經濟學門B級期刊), (NSC-101-2410-H-006-021)
- Chun-Li Tsai (2012), “Peer Effects on Academic Cheating Among High School Students in Taiwan”, Asia Pacific Education Review, 13(1), 147-155, (SSCI).
- 王富美、蔡群立、黃惠君(2011), “管制資本流入對經濟成長的影響---動態GMM追蹤資料模型之研究”, 台灣金融財務季刊,12(4),71-109.
- Chun-Li Tsai (2011), “The Reaction of Stock Returns to Unexpected Increases in the Federal Funds Rate Target”, Journal of Economics and Business, (JEL), 63(2). 121-138. (國科會經濟學門舊版B級期刊) (NSC-94-2415-H-006-014)
- Jansen, D., and Chun-Li Tsai, (2010), “Monetary Policy and Stock Returns: Financing Constraints and Asymmetries in Bull and Bear Markets”, Journal of Empirical Finance,17,981-990, (國科會經濟學門B+級期刊),(SSCI), (NSC-96-2415-H-006-002).
- Chun-Li Tsai , Hung, M., and Harriott, K. (2010) “Human Capital Composition and Economic Growth”, Social Indicators Research, 99,41-59, (SSCI)
- Lee, C., Chun-Li Tsai, and Chiang, Y. (2009) “Federal funds rate prediction: A comparison between the robust RBF neural network and Economic models”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 25, 763-778, (SCI), (NSC-95-2415-H-006-005)
- H, Chang., J, Chen., Chun-Li Tsai, and Y, Yang, (2009) “IT Capital Accumulation and Productivity Growth in Public Accounting Firms”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56(4), P692-700,(國科會管理學門推薦之學術期刊, SSCI)
- Lee, C., Chiang, Y., Shih, C., and Chun-Li Tsai , (2009) “Noisy Time Series Prediction using M-estimator Based Robust Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with Growing and Purning Techniques”Expert Systems with Application, ,36,P4717--4724 (SCI) (NSC-95-2415-H-006-005)
- Chun-Li Tsai, (2008) “Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Taiwan”, The Empirical Economics Letters, 7(7), P725-732. (JEL)
(B) Conference Papers
- 何志欽、廖肇寧、劉亞明、蔡群立,八八水災災後重建預算配置效率之影響評估—區域可計算一般均衡模型之應用,台南成功大學社科學院,11月10日,2010。
- Chun-Li Tsai (2009/12/19). “The Impact of Unanticipated Changes in the Federal Funds Rate Target on Industry-specific Stock Returns” (NSC-94-2415-H-006-014), 發表於台灣經濟學會2009年年會,東吳大學。
- Dennis Jansen & Chun-Li Tsai, “Does Monetary Policy Have Asymmetric Effects on Stock Returns In the Bull and Bear Market?”, 2008, WEAI conference, Hawaii, (NSC-96-2415-H-006-002)
- 王富美、蔡群立、黃惠君 “管制資本流入對經濟成長的影響—動態GMM追蹤資料模型之研究”, 台灣經濟學會2008年年會,東吳大學, 12月20, 2008
- Chun-Li Tsai, Lee, C.C. and Chiang, Y.C, “Can Robust Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Perform Better on the Federal Funds Rate Prediction? “第12 屆人工智慧與應用研討會”, 雲林科技大學, 2007, Nov (NSC-95-2415-H-006-005)
- Chun-Li Tsai, Lee, C.C. and Chiang, Y.C, “Federal Funds Rate Prediction Using Robust Radial Basis Function Neural Networks”International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC ), 2007, Aug, Japan (NSC-95-2415-H-006-005)
- Chun-Li Tsai, Lee, C.C.; Chen, Z.C. “Do U.S. Fed Announcements Affect Taiwanese Stock Market” 第八屆全國實証經濟論文研討會,2007, May, 台南成功大學(NSC-96-2415-H-006-002)
- Chien-Cheng Lee;, Chun-Li Tsai, Yu-Chun Chiang;, and Cheng-Yuan Shih, “M-estimator based Robust Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with Growing and Pruning Techniques,” Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium 2006 (ICS 2006), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 4-6, 2006, pp.1065-1069.
- Tsai ,Chun-Li, May 27, 2005 , “ Stock Market’s Reaction, and Changes in the Federal Funds Rate Target” , 2006 Taiwanese Financial Association Year Meeting (conference)