主題:【徵才】成大經濟系 區俊傑老師徵兼任研究助理
【徵才:成大經濟系 區俊傑老師徵專任研究助理】
【Job opening】Prof. Chon-Kit Ao at NCKU Econ is hiring a full-time research assistant
【工作職缺 Job title】學士級/碩士級專任助理Full-time research assistant (BA/MA level)
【公司名稱 Company】國立成功大學經濟系Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University
【工作內容 & 徵求條件 Position Description】
這份工作適合對大數據與資料分析有興趣或想要學相關知識的申請者。申請者需已完成或即將完成學士/碩士學位。不限科系,但需有統計資料分析或程式編輯經驗,有經濟背景尤佳。工作內容包括: (1) 會使用Python尤佳,或有其他程式基礎並願意積極學習Python者。(2) 處理計畫相關之研究事項 (蒐集資料、整理分析數據、製作圖表、協助撰寫程式...等)。(3) 協助編輯文稿、具中英文資料檢索、彙整及理解能力。(4) 處理專題計畫相關之行政業務。(5) 其他交辦事項。
This job is suitable for applicants interested in big data and data analysis or those who want to learn related skills. Applicants should have completed or be about to complete a bachelor’s or master’s degree. No specific major is required, but experience in statistical data analysis or programming is necessary, and an economics background is a plus. Job description: (1) Proficiency in Python is preferred, or having a programming foundation and a willingness to actively learn Python. (2) Handling research tasks, such as data collection, organizing and analyzing data, creating charts, and assisting in programming, etc. (3) Assist in the preparation of academic manuscripts, with the ability to search, compile, and understand information in both Chinese and English. (4) Handle administrative tasks. (5) Other assigned duties.
Previous assistants have gained valuable experience in Python, data analysis, and empirical research skills, leading to job opportunities in research institutions and Fintech companies, as well as admission to data science- or fintech-related graduate programs. Professor Ao’s research includes labor, development, environmental, and health economics. Recent research topics focus on examining how environmental factors such as air quality and climate change affect health and labor productivity. The research utilizes air pollution and atmospheric data derived from NASA satellite imagery to analyze the impact of pollution and climate change on the economy and society. The research assistant will use Python and Stata to assist in data organization, analysis, and the integration of economic theory with empirical data. S/he will also be involved in writing research reports.
【工作地點 Address】國立成功大學經濟學系 (701台南市北區小東路25號力行校區社科院大樓八樓)
Department of Economics, College of Social Sciences, National Cheng Kung University
【工作時間 Working hours】
上班時段為周一到周五8:30~5:30 (8小時工時 + 1小時午休,可彈性調整)
The successful candidate can start working immediately or start in July/August, and the contract period will generally end on July 31 of the following year. The duration is flexible, and exceptional performance may lead to contract renewal. The working hours are from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday, with an 8-hour workday and a 1-hour lunch break. The working schedule is adjustable based on flexibility.
【工作福利 Benefits】
1. 年終獎金按表現及規定發放,按到職月日比例計算。
2. 提供數據相關的職涯經驗:學會使用Python爬蟲、整理分析不同數據、各種經濟與統計分析方法。
3. 使用國立成功大學設施。
1. Year-end bonus is distributed based on performance and regulations, calculated proportionally according to the months of employment.
2. Provide data-related career experience: Learn to use Python for web scraping, organizing and analyzing different datasets, and various economic and statistical analysis methods.
3. Access to facilities at the National Cheng Kung University.
【薪資範圍 Salary】
1. 學士級專任助理薪水: 35,775元/月
2. 碩士級專任助理薪水: 40,500元/月
3. 享勞健保
According to the National Cheng Kung University’s Pay Rates and Remuneration Standards for Contract Employees (1st year), the following applies:
1. Salary for Bachelor’s level research assistants: NT$35,775/month
2. Salary for Master’s level research assistants: NT$40,500/month
3. Provide labor and health insurance benefits.
【需求人數 Number of job vacancies】 1
【申請文件 & 聯絡人 Required Documents & Contact Email】
意者請將 (1) 履歷。(2) 成績單 (包含到本學期為止所有科目的成績)。(3) 其他有利審查資料 (e.g., 使用Python的相關報告、自學或曾經使用過Python、Stata或其他程式的證據 (如有)、碩士論文(如有)或課堂報告) 寄至 chonao@ncku.edu.tw 區俊傑老師。Email主旨請註明『2024年應徵專任助理-申請者姓名』
區俊傑老師個人網站 Prof. Chon-Kit Ao's personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/chonkitao/
Please email your (1) Curriculum Vitae. (2) Transcript that contains all grades to the current semester (can be snapshots from the NCKU registration system). (3) Other helpful documents: Relevant projects using Python, evidence of self-study or prior use of Python, Stata, or other programming software (if any), master's thesis (if any), or class reports. to chonao@ncku.edu.tw, Prof. Chon-Kit Ao. Write email subject line as: 2024 application for full-time assistant--Your Name.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt, and suitable candidates will be notified for further interviews. Those who are not selected will not be notified.