主題:【徵才】成大經濟系 區俊傑老師徵兼任助理
成大經濟系 區俊傑老師徵兼任助理
NCKU Econ: Hiring part-time research assistants (Prof. Ao)
兼任助理 (區俊傑老師)
Part-time research assistant (Prof. Chon-Kit Ao)
Department of Economics, College of Social Sciences
【工作內容 & 徵求條件 Position Description】
1. 使用Python處理各項數據 (蒐集資料、整理數據、製作圖表、協助撰寫程式...等)
2. 處理計畫相關之研究事項
3. 其他行政業務與交辦事項
Responsibilities include:
1. Use Python to handle different datasets (collecting data, creating charts and data visualizations, preparing codes)
2. Assisting in the preparation of academic projects
3. Handling administrative tasks
The ideal candidate will have a strong programming skills. Candidates with knowledge of Python is preferred. Assistants will have the opportunity to develop skills related to data analysis with Python.
Assistant will work remotely, but have an in-person meeting once in every 2 to 3 weeks. Successful candicate can start working immediately, there is a three-month probation period. Highly qualified applicants will have contract extensions.
Please email your 1.Curriculum Vitae, 2.Transcript that contains all grades to the current semester (can be snapshots from the NCKU registration system), 3.Other helpful documents: Python related projects or certificates (if you have any) to chonao@ncku.edu.tw, Prof. Chon-Kit Ao. Write email subject line as: Application for part-time assistant--Your Name.
Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Highly qualified applicants will be invited to interview.
成大經濟系 區俊傑老師徵兼任助理
NCKU Econ: Hiring part-time research assistants (Prof. Ao)
兼任助理 (區俊傑老師)
Part-time research assistant (Prof. Chon-Kit Ao)
【招募系所 Department】
經濟系, 社會科學院Department of Economics, College of Social Sciences
【工作內容 & 徵求條件 Position Description】
1. 使用Python處理各項數據 (蒐集資料、整理數據、製作圖表、協助撰寫程式...等)
2. 處理計畫相關之研究事項
3. 其他行政業務與交辦事項
Responsibilities include:
1. Use Python to handle different datasets (collecting data, creating charts and data visualizations, preparing codes)
2. Assisting in the preparation of academic projects
3. Handling administrative tasks
The ideal candidate will have a strong programming skills. Candidates with knowledge of Python is preferred. Assistants will have the opportunity to develop skills related to data analysis with Python.
Assistant will work remotely, but have an in-person meeting once in every 2 to 3 weeks. Successful candicate can start working immediately, there is a three-month probation period. Highly qualified applicants will have contract extensions.
【薪資範圍 Salary】
NT$200 per hour【申請文件 & 聯絡人 Required Documents & Contact Email】
意者請將 1.履歷 2.到本學期為止所有科目的成績單(可接受學校系統截圖) 3.其他有利審查資料。例如:與Python相關的報告、自學或曾經使用過Python的證據 (如有) 寄至 chonao@ncku.edu.tw 區俊傑老師。Email主旨請註明『應徵兼任助理--申請者姓名』。歡迎分享給其他有興趣的同學Please email your 1.Curriculum Vitae, 2.Transcript that contains all grades to the current semester (can be snapshots from the NCKU registration system), 3.Other helpful documents: Python related projects or certificates (if you have any) to chonao@ncku.edu.tw, Prof. Chon-Kit Ao. Write email subject line as: Application for part-time assistant--Your Name.
【其他備註 Special Instructions】
履歷隨到隨審,合適者另行通知面談,不合者請恕不另行通知,額滿即止。Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Highly qualified applicants will be invited to interview.